I hope this message finds you energized and ready for the opportunities that lie ahead. As I step into the role of President, it is both an honor and a privilege to welcome both new and returning members to a year dedicated to serving and centering Black educators.
To all Black educators, you are a force to be reckoned with in a system that often feels broken. I encourage you to hang on tight and get actively involved in ORABSE because coalition is not given; it's built, constructed even. Together, we are a powerful collective, and I believe in our ability to bring about positive change.
As we move forward, let's consider running for elected positions, joining each other at the table, and radically serving and centering our community. Let's sit among our elders, learning from the important wisdom they have to share.
Let's strive to become “Beloved Community,” and let ORABSE be the space where we collectively figure out what we want to be when we grow up. May we have the freedom to develop, grow, persist and evolve!
Thank you for your commitment to excellence, and I look forward to a year of growth, empowerment, and collective achievement.